to (re)connect with the Project Heart Tribe
to reconnect with yourself through yoga, meditation, dance, workshops, nature and, live music
to reconnect by disconnecting from external distractions and external stimulation
to reconnect by prioritizing self-care through proper nutrition, exercise, and restful sleep
to reconnect by learning how to practice self-compassion to embrace your flaws, imperfections, and past mistakes as part of your unique journey
to reconnect through self-expression to deeper understand your emotions, desires, and aspirations

Staying at Babakamp in itself is a solely potent, soulful, and nourishing mind-body experience.
Just pause for a second and visualize the sensation of living above the clouds over a sacred mountain, surrounded by the very blessings of nature.
Overlooking the vast Mediterranean Sea, being environed by the forests, singing with the animal friends, feeling the ancient wonders of the Lycian Civilization still breathing in the region.
Senses wide open, all let go and a varying shade of light enters in from sunrise to sunset, from dusk till dawn, taking you to the moon, to the sun.
This is where you are reconnecting.
Prices are per person and include:
3 delicious meals a day
Transportation from the airport
All workshops & activities
Organizing team costs